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The method to beauty skin care

23 juillet 2010

About Body Hair Removal

Unwanted Body Hair Removal
One of the more effective methods of hair removal is laser hair removal by hair removal equipment. The question a lot of people ask is whether removing body hair from such large areas is possible and more importantly, is it safe to do so. If done correctly especially by a professional, removing body hair is perfectly safe. The main draw back with this treatment is usually cost.

It has as always been common to remove unwanted body hair from the legs and faces but you will often find people wanting body hair removal from their backs, chests and private areas.

They can be quite prohibitive. Although it is an expensive treatment, laser hair removal is the most effective at permanently removing unwanted body hair. Unlike electrolysis, laser treatments can affect several hairs at once instead of individual hairs.This speeds up the process and thus reduces the pain involved.

Laser Body Hair Removal
This beauty machine is especially good for arms, legs, backs and chests. As mentioned above, the costs can be prohibitive. To treat an area as big as the back will cost several thousand dollars. This is only for one treatment. To remove hair for good, several treatments are needed. This is so that any growing hairs are caught on the next growth cycle.

Also some hairs will regrow much lighter and finer. The follicles that produce these hairs will need additional treatments to permanently eradicate the hair.

If you are on a budget, waxing can be a satisfactory solution. Although not a permanent hair removal treatment, it is extremely cheap compared to laser or electrolysis treatments and can be done at home.Waxing involves removing the hair from the follicle. This hair will then take several weeks to re-appear. As a temporary solution waxing will give you the longest intervals between treatments.You can find a more in depth article on waxing here.If you are looking to remove areas of unwanted body hair be it for cosmetic reasons or if your involved in sports that require it, try laser treatment if your budget will allow. If not, waxing makes for a cheap alternative. These methods are useful for removing large areas of hair.

There are several articles on hair removal methods accessible from the navbar to your left. Each one goes into more detail on each method of hair removal, as well more information spot removal equipment.

Look Young, Feel Young, Be Young! The latest on antiaging skin care machine and osmetic procedures; diet, exercise and nutrition; hormones; hair loss and beauty equipment

21 juillet 2010

Hair Removal Methods

If you do want hair that is on leg or arm, you can use beauty machine to remove and nature method. The desire to remove excess or dark hair usually begins in adolescence and seems to continue until the daywe die. Whether it is hair on the face, armpits, legs, bikini line, or other body parts.

There are many options available to remove unwanted hair, but few options to get rid of hair permanently. The different methods of hair removal from the old stand-by, shaving, to the new treatments, lasers and Vaniqa, are discussed here. Each person should chose a method or combination of methods that works best for them depending on cost, time available, skin type,and the desired hair-free area.

Hair Growth
Understanding how hair grows helps us understand how to keep hair from growing and nowadays the hair removal equipment use what principle to hair removal. Each hair is contained in a pilosebaceous unit, which consists of a hair shaft, hair follicle, sebaceous gland, and erector pili muscle. Hair growth and shedding is a continuous cycle through 3 phases. The anagen phase is the growth phase, the catagen phase is a transitional state, and the telogen phase is the resting phase. Hairs spend a variable amount of time in each phase determined by genetics, hormones, and area of the body. Hair in the anagen phase is more susceptible to injury than hair in the telogen phase. All of these factors must be considered when choosing a method of hair removal.

Bleaching is actually not a hair removal method, but rather a way to make the hair less noticeable. This is especially useful for areas that already have thin but dark and therefore noticeable hair like the arms, face, or neck. Bleaching is performed by applying a chemical to the desired area, which removes the pigment from the hair.

Hair Removal with Shaving
Shaving is the most temporary method of hair removal because it merely cuts the hair off at the skin surface. Shaving does not make the hair shaft thicker, darker, or grow faster or slower. However, the short hair shaft may be more noticeable as it grows out because it has a blunt tip instead of the normal tapered tip. Shaving should be done after applying some type of moisturizer to the skin to help the razor glide over the skin, not cut or scrape it. Common moisturizers include water, shaving cream, hair conditioner, or body wash.

Physical Hair Removal
Hair removal equipment can be use hair remvoal. and physically pulling the hair out of the follicle is a common and fairly inexpensive method of hair removal. None of these methods changes the color, texture, or density of the hair. The hair takes longer to grow back because it must grow to the surface of the skin before it is noticed. Because hair grows at different rates, some of the hair that has been physically removed may take more time to grow back in. Repeatedly pulling hair out of the follicle may damage the follicle enough over time to keep it from producing more hair.

Hair removal equipment is an effective way to remove hair. The hair shaft must be long time to grow, and the hair removal equipment shot ipl to burn,after 7 days, use the beauty machine again, it can thorough destroy it.

20 juillet 2010

How to prepare for IPL hair removal?

If you do want hair that is on leg or arm, you can use beauty machine to remove. IPL localized damage by heating dark target matter in the area that causes hair growth while not heating the rest of the skin. Because IPLs are concentrated beams of light and light is absorbed by dark objects, IPLs can be absorbed by dark material in the skin. This dark target matter can be naturally-occurring or artificially introduced. With this background in mind, one may better prepare for IPL hair removal.

IPL hair removal is not for everyone

Since IPL hair removal requires contrast between skin and hair color, the process is not available for everyone. The absolute requirement is that one's hair must be darker than the surrounding skin. Therefore, darkly pigmented people absorb too much IPL energy in their skin and are not ideal candidates for IPL hair removal. Likewise, tanned patients with light hair are not model candidates.

beauty equipment is selective sTanned absorbed light. patients with dark hair should wait until their tan fades before they are treated. Those with light skin may increase contrast by rubbing a carbon-based lotion into the target area.

Patients should avoid tanning for at least 4-6 weeks prior to IPL hair removal. Sunscreen is recommended for any treated areas exposed to the sun. Also, ingested Beta Carotene--found in carrots, squash, other vegetables, and vitamin A supplements--gets deposited in the skin, producing a subtle orange or yellow color in the skin. This pigment absorbs IPL energy, preventing it from reaching the hair follicle and increasing the absorption of IPL energy in the skin. Beta carotene persists for months after ingestion. For best results, potential IPL hair removal patients should discontinue use of all forms of beta carotene.

Before treatment
IPL equipment shot IPL, should you cautious treat. A person planning to have IPL hair removal performed should avoid waxing or plucking the targeted area for 4-6 weeks prior to IPL treatment. Shaving hairs or using chemical depilatories, however, is acceptable.

Finally, patients interested in IPL hair removal should be aware of the possible side effects of the procedure. Though very rare, these side effects may include damage to the surrounding healthy tissue in the form of scars, burns, redness and swelling. As with any medical procedure, patients considering IPL hair removal should seek further information about the treatment from their physicians.

Additionally, patients preparing for spot removal equipment treat may have to use specially formulated skin care machine or products and/or a prescribed skin care regimen in order to prevent pain caused by the procedure.

19 juillet 2010

Lotions for Skin Care

Thanks to the advances of modern medicine and modern beauty machine, many problem of skin has become the new fad for thousands of woman who wish to eliminate these problem from their body.
A number of breakthrough lotions formulas are being released in the market. There are different variants of bath lotion for dry skin, oily skin, and normal skin. There is also what's is called milk bath skin lotion

That every one can use to maximize that nourishing effect. Choosing the right lotion for your skin is essential to ensure that perfect glow. Just know your skin type and match it with the lotion you are to buy. You can never go wrong with that.
The Different Types of Lotions Available for the Skin

Milk Bath
Nowadays there have ipl equipment can let your body whiten, but the daily care is requisite.
Milk baths are formulas that are supposed to be added to your regular tub of water during baths. You are supposed to soak in it for a while so that your skin absorbs the goodness that milk can bring. Milk bath is made popular by Cleopatra, the Egyptian princess who became famous for her beautiful skin.

Body Lotion
Body lotions are ones you are supposed to put all over your body, for that instant moisturized effect. Most body lotions come in different scents and colors to fit your mood. It may also come with sunscreen and ultraviolet rays protection.

Baby Lotion
Baby lotions are tested inside dermatological laboratories and are deemed to be suitable for delicate skin such as the baby's. This type of lotion is usually organic and does not contain harsh chemicals and fragrances that could irritate sensitive skin.

Hand lotion
Because the hand is the body part the usually moves and does all the work, it is very prone to dryness and dehydration. Hand lotions provide instant relief for the hands because the skin absorbs this type of lotion easily. This is a very basic lotion skin care regimen that your body requires.

Bath lotion
Of course, manyskin care machine can let your body more smooth and fair, but that is not nature.
Bath lotions are the ones that are supposed to use right after you took a shower. This is the type of lotion you need to apply if you stayed in the tub too long that wrinkles are showing in your fingers and toes. These lotions replace the essential oils that are normally washed off every time you take a bath. Plus, it also helps in maintaining the skin's moisture. This is exactly how a bath lotion for dry skin works.

Dr li said" every young lady need to know how to skin care, not simply use beauty equipment especially spot removal equipment that is not nature.

17 juillet 2010

Stretch Marks – How to Skip Them?

Thanks to the advances of modern medicine and modern beauty machine, stretch marks removal has become the new fad for thousands of woman who wish to eliminate these nasty marks from their body. If you wish to prevent stretch marks there are several things that you need to know first. So, let's find more about stretch marks and the ways that you can combat them.

What Are Stretch Marks?
Stretch mark, also known as striae by dermatologists, is a skin disorder produced by different kind of occurrences. However, the instance is the same; for a determined reason there is an overstretching of the skin. This interrupts the production of collagen, the protein that our body uses for connecting our tissue.

As a consequence, a scar is produced. This phenomenon can cover a small piece of the skin or even a large one, depending on the trauma that the patient has suffered. Right now, 90% of the pregnant women in America suffer from this problem. Another interesting statistic is that 70% of adolescent females have it (this may be due to the overweight problem that affects America) and 40% of the adolescent males (in their case is due to the practice of sports).

So, what kind of ailment can produce this? One of the most common ones is pregnancy. At the beginning of the pregnancy, the stretching of the skin is barely noticeable. However, as the months advance, it is more than obvious that the skin overstretched. Unfortunately, the majority of women do not take any measures in advanced. This affects the skin and ruins it. What is even worse, many of these women are obese adults. Imagine the state in which their skin will end. Even through the ipl equipment can solved the problem, but natural method to cure is best.

Another common cause, especially in the last decades when fitness and the use of chemicals become the new fad, is the striae caused by exercise. Believe it or not, when your muscle grows too fast, then the surrounding skin will be affected. That's why you should consult a professional fitness physician before starting an intensive exercise program.

So, the question is: how to remove stretch marks? There are many ways in which we can treat and prevent stretch marks,for skin care machine. However, all of them depend in how responsible we are with our bodies.

Copy right by Dr. Liliy, she is a beauty equipment expert, but sometimes she do not agree with use spot removal machine easily.

17 juillet 2010

The Best Remedies to Minimize Wrinkles and Pores

Beauty equipment can cure many skin problem contain wrinkle and pore. But nature skin care is the best deal method.

The epidermis also keeps less moisture in the skin, which makes the skin dry. Epidermal cells decrease as we age and the skin cannot repair itself as easily. This article gives you an insight into:

By understanding how wrinkles are caused, we can better understand how to minimize wrinkles and pores. Although it may not be possible to stop skin wrinkles completely, it is possible to reduce lines and wrinkles.

As we age, the cells in the epidermis layer of our skin (that is the top layer), become thinner. This makes the skin look thinner. The epidermis also keeps less moisture in the skin, which makes the skin dry. Epidermal cells decrease as we age and the skin cannot repair itself as easily.

spot remvoal equipment are the Ideal Treatment
The dermal layer (middle layer) is also affected as we age. This layer also gets thinner and it produces less collagen. This causes the skin to wrinkle and sag. The bottom layer of our skin is the subcutaneous layer. This layer includes fat cells and these fat cells get smaller as we age. The rate of regeneration of skin cells also decreases. All these factors cause the skin to repair less easily. The skin also loses its elasticity.

Best Remedies to Reduce Wrinkles
Wrinkles are inevitable at some stage in our life, but there are steps we can take to minimize wrinkles and pores. These steps may not stop skin wrinkles altogether, but they might stop them for a time or at least reduce wrinkles and fine lines.


beauty machine and some essential oils that are can reduce lines and wrinkles are sandalwood, geranium, rosewood, rose jasmine, neroli and frankincense. Mix these oils with evening primrose oil or another base to make your own natural anti wrinkle lotion. To make a natural anti wrinkle cream for the eyes, use a base of cocoa butter and add neroli.

A variety ofIPL equipment and skin care machine may be used to remove sun spots, explains Dr. Bernstein in other article.

16 juillet 2010

The Best Natural Acne Treatments and Making Acne Vanish Permanently

Nowadays you can use a beauty machine for all your skin problem, for example skin rejuvenation, ance treatment, wrinkle treatment and so on. Certainly, it is useful for us, but in winter, if you just take more attention to your skin, you will advoie many little problem.

Natural acne treatments can help alleviate the problem. Laser treatments can provide a more permanent solution and may be covered by your health insurance. It is up to each person to find the best acne treatments for their particular problem. Thisarticle discusses:

Acne can be unsightly and embarrassing, but it can be treated and the effects can be minimized. Natural acne treatments can help alleviate the problem. spot removal equipment can provide a more permanent solution. It is up to each person to find the best acne treatments for their particular problem.

What is Acne and why does it happen?
Acne is an infection or disorder of the hair follicles (or pores) and sebaceous glands. Acne can take the form of pimples, black heads, white heads, cysts, abscesses or nodules. It can occur on the face, neck, chest, back and shoulders.

Acne's occur when the pores or sebaceous glands get blocked or plugged by sebum (the skin's natural lubricant) or bacteria. This is more likely to occur in people who have greasy skin (and an overabundance of sebum). Hormonal changes can cause this overabundance of sebum, which is why acne is so prevalent among teenagers, but acne can happen long after the teenage years have passed.

The Best Natural Remedies for Treating Acne
Natural acne treatments can be very effective and some of the best acne treatments are simple things people can do at home with the things they may have around the house. People with mild or less severe acne can often solve their problem with a natural acne treatment. Here are some of the best natural treatments for acne.

If you have some ance because of age or no take attention daily, please runaway to use a IPL equipmentto treat, you just need to care and use some lotion a short time,it will recover.

Copy right by Dr. bell, she is a beauty equipment expert, but sometimes she do not agree with use skin care machine easily.

16 juillet 2010

Important Winter Skin Care Tips

Nowadays you can use a beauty machine for all your skin problem, for example skin rejuvenation, ance treatment, wrinkle treatment and so on. Certainly, it is useful for us, but in winter, if you just take more attention to your skin, you will advoie many little problem.

Once the cold days and nights of winter set in many tend to abandon any skin care routine they developed during the sunny days of summer. Most no long moisturize their skin and certainly don't bother to apply sunscreen anymore. However, in order to have the best skin you need to take care of it all year round whether or not it is going to be hidden under layers of clothing.

Just because summer is over doesn't mean the damage from the sun is. The truth is that the sun's UV rays are just as harmful in winter as they are in summer. Since the skin is stripped of its natural oils in the winter due to the harsh weather outside and the indoor heating then it is even more important to use winter protection for your skin. This lack of natural oils and moisture makes the skin more susceptible to any kind of UV damage from the sun.

UV from the sun shot on you face long time, it is possible you will get some little spot, nowadays spot removal equipment can cure them, but please do not runaway use it. It will recover in short time.

So during the winter you can take two simple steps to protect your skin from damage. The first step is to take cooler showers or baths or at least reduce the amount of time. While this may not seem best during the cold winters it will actually help prevent the amount of natural acid mantel that is stripped off by the hot water which leads to dry skin.

After any bath or shower you should always apply a good quality moisturizer to help keep your body's natural oils sealed inside. You entire body should be moisturized daily so that it doesn't dry out, even those areas that are covered during winter can get dried out as a result of the central heating.

If you have some wrinkle because of the wind of winter, please runaway to use a IPL equipment to treat, you just need to care and use some lotion a short time, it will recover.

Copy right by Dr. Liliy, she is a beauty equipment expert, but sometimes she do not agree with use skin care machine easily.

15 juillet 2010

Getting Rid of Sun-Related Spots

There are some age spots which are these stuck-on appearing bumps, which look almost as if you could pick them off with your finger. Those are called seborrheic keratosis, and those are bumps that come around middle age, and we’re not quite sure what they are from. They’re warty-like growths which can be frozen off, beauty equipment is easy to them.

Generally though what most people are asking about when they ask about age spots are really sun spots. They are either freckles, which we call ephelides, or they are solar lentigos. These spots are caused by the sun and tend to accumulate with more sun exposure and tend to grow if we don’t treat them.

spot remvoal equipment are the Ideal Treatment
Lasers are ideal for age spot removal. Because the melanin pigment is designed to absorb light, almost any color of laser light can be used to take away brown spots. There are a number of lasers which may be used for this. For example, the Q-switched lasers are very safe and treat the surface of the skin. In my office I use the 532nm Nd:YAG laser, which is a green light laser. You can also use the 1064 Nd:YAG laser which is an invisible, infrared laser. You can use the 755nm Alexandrite Q-switched laser or the 694 Ruby Q-switched laser. One can use the Perfecta, which is a pulsed-dye laser with a compression hand piece. There are also the Intense Pulsed Light sources. IPLs are good at removing brown spots.

Get Checked for Skin Cancer
The most important thing prior to getting your brown spots or liver spots lasered off is to go to the dermatologist and get looked at. This is especially important if you’re being treated by a non-dermatologist. The reason for this is that some brown spots may look perfectly harmless to you, but may actually be cancers or pre-cancers and need to be evaluated by a dermatologist.

If you get these treated with laser, the danger is that they will be partially removed and the doctor won’t be able to tell if it’s cancerous or not. So it’s extremely important to be seen by a dermatologist to have those checked. If they are benign, you can safely have beauty machine removed them.

A variety of ipl equipment and skin care machine may be used to remove sun spots, explains Dr. Bernstein in this article.

14 juillet 2010

What Causes Age Spots?

The beauty machine can solve your worry about facial spot. so what Causes Age Spots?

The sun does. The term ‘age spots’, or lentigines, refers to the brownish spots that, over time appear on your face and body as a result of overexposure to the sun. As we age our skin is subjected to more and more sun damage. Our skin has what is called ‘melanin pigment’ which absorbs sunlight and helps naturally protect our skin from UV rays.

What is Happening in the Skin?
There are a couple different types of brown spots that people get on their skin. There are solar lentigos (age spots) and freckles (known as ephiledes). These come from the sun and that's because the sun damages the melanocytes, which are the cells in the epidermis (the skin's surface layer) that produce melanin pigment. Most of the cells in our epidermis are skin cells that form the dead skin layer as well as keratin that protects us from the outside world, but one in every tenth or twentieth cell is a melanocyte which produces melanin pigment and transfers this brown pigment to our skin cells to help protect us against the sun.

Spot removal equipment can shot laser and ipl to beat the spot of skin surface.

Some people, like me, have almost no melanin pigment and our skin does not do a good job of protecting us from the sun. Dark-skinned people do a much better job of protecting themselves from the sun. When the sun attacks me and other light-skinned people, my body does not know how to respond properly. As a result it can cause abnormal melanin pigment in the form of freckles and brown spots.

Sun Spot is More Accurate
‘Age Spots’ actually have nothing to do with how old you are, they have to do with how long you've been in the sun. I prefer the term ‘sun spot’ rather than ‘liver spot’ or ‘age spot’ because that is what they are from and is more appropriate.

Prevention is Possible
Preventing age spots requires sun avoidance and sun protection. Most of the sun damage we receive occurs while we are driving. Car window glass protects us from 100% of the UVB light (the light which causes a burn) but none of the UVA, the light responsible for sun damage and aging skin. I advise all of my patients to have UVA-protecting film installed on their car windows. This may be tinted or clear. This will help prevent much of the sun damage which causes age, liver, or brown spots. Even the beauty equipment can cure spot, but prevention is the mainlyand basic method.

Ipl equipment can solve all the benign spot. Once the doctor has determined thatit is benign, there are a skin care machine of lasers that can be used to improve or remove it.

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The method to beauty skin care